These are some pictures from a hike that Peter and I did up to Big Rock and then when we all went to Green Bluff to pick pumpkins. I threw in some fall photos aroung the house as well. Oh, and the bottom pictures are from a brief hike that I did at Ginko Petrified Forest along the Columbia River. It is a great place to stop and stretch your legs during a road trip to the coast...
We were getting a few sun breaks today while I was outside putting the garden to bed and working on the compost pile so I decided to risk a hike out at Hog Lake. It is on BLM land about 25 minutes west of our home. I think that I timed it pretty well...
Mallory has always wanted to explore Long Beach, WA after doing a school report in 4th grade. We finally made it but the weather was mostly windy and rainy. And the flu bug got her. To her credit we did make it to the beach 3 times and we did a short hike to the lighthouse overlooking the anything-but-Pacific Ocean. Our little cottage at Shakti Cove was cute and reminded me of the cottages at the Thousand Islands that my family used to rent when I was little.
A steep initial hike within earshot of I-90 but the reward was definitely worth it! I loved the carved step-bridge carved out of an old large dead-fall tree. Up at the lake it was windy and peaceful. A great short hike to take a break from the 5+ hour drive to Bellingham.
This was a short early morning hike on the southern section of the Kettle Crest Trail then off trail to the top. There were many fallen snags to climb over or hike around on the hill side. The raspberries, elderberries and huckleberries were ripe and tasty.
This trip was an excellent example of the multi-uses of our forests; when I first arrived a hunter was just starting out and luckily he headed down a different trail. When I was coming down from the peak I met an older couple who were working on trail maintainence. Then I met a retired man who was day hiking. Back in the forest I came across 3 young men taking a break and eating energy bars. They had heavy backpacks and were headed out for a few nights. I next came across two men, about my age, with mountain bikes who live up in the Kettle Falls/Republic area. They are also backcountry skiers in the winter time. Lastly, I came upon two couples on horseback. One lady had her little dog on her hip protected by some sort of doggie sling. Everyone was friendly and made the day exceedingly worthwhile.
I grew up out in the country with fields and woods to explore in Western New York. In 1979 I graduated from SUNY@Buffalo with a degree in Physical Therapy which is a great profession and truely rewarding! I fell in love with and in New Mexico during one of my clinical rotations and still consider it my second home. My wife and I decided to relocate to the NW where we have been ever since.