I woke up at 5:30 on Sunday and quickly headed west to start a short hike to watch the Sun rise over the basaltic cliffs at Hog Lake west of Spokane. It was a pleasant, if not a bit cool, pre-dawn stroll. I took some photos of the Aspens as the sun climbed higher in the mostly clear sky. A raven, of course, accompanied me for awhile grounding me as always. I was just leaving this favorite spot of mine as a few hunters began to arrive. I arrived home for a full day of chores and family activities by nine o'clock in the morning.
I grew up out in the country with fields and woods to explore in Western New York. In 1979 I graduated from SUNY@Buffalo with a degree in Physical Therapy which is a great profession and truely rewarding! I fell in love with and in New Mexico during one of my clinical rotations and still consider it my second home. My wife and I decided to relocate to the NW where we have been ever since.
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